What you're reading..
This is Chris Maddern's blog. Chris is a British entrepreneur, engineer and co-founder of Button. 📱📲
Prior to Button, Chris led mobile engineering at Venmo, created AppLaunch, Corkbin and a few other mobile things. 📱⚡
You can read more of Chris's work on the following publications:
Macbook Air – Hash Key
This post is regarding the old Macbook Air with no visible # symbol on the Keyboard. On new Macbook Airs – it’s simply Shift-3 Okay, this is a bit ‘niche’-ey....
Windows 7 6801 x64 + iTunes + iPhone
Chris123NT has posted a wonderful guide that proves exactly what I thought would be the case but didn’t get round to trying for lack of an x64 install of Vista...
Can a blog be a professional internal tool?
I don’t often talk about my job on here, mainly because it’s not often relevant. But recently I’ve been in a lot of meetings / discussions about creating a system...
Now is the time to buy – hardware prices on the rise
This comes at a time that the GBP is losing ground against the USD at a rate not seen for quite a while and is causing manufacturing distributors to see...
The calm after the storm – Post ‘Jobs-note’
So, Steve’s taken the stage and done his bit. Now it’s up to us to spend the next 3-5 days marveling at the design brilliance of Apple and how they’ve...
Preview Site Rendering Tool
While trying to see if a peculiarity in the rendering of this site was due to the IE6 install on a machine in my work (eurgh… companies) I stumbled accross...
Free iPhone Application : Air Sharing
I found out over on TUAW that the iPhone App Air Sharing is available free for the next week (ish). Air Sharing allows your iPhone (or Touch) to become a...
Let’s Rock : Apple Event Announcements
Okay, so it’s only a few hours until Apple’s Let’s Rock event. Personally, I can’t wait to see what Apple come out with but there’s a lot of rumours and...
iPhone 2.0 Software almost unlocked
A post over on the iPhone Dev blog suggests that they are now *really* close to releasing a working unlock for the 2.0 iPhone software. This is spectacularly quickly considering...
Digital Lifestyle
One of my key intrest areas in technology is media and integrating everything that was once done in an analogue and ‘seperated’ manner, into a connected digital lifestyle. I’ve spent...