What you're reading..
This is Chris Maddern's blog. Chris is a British entrepreneur, engineer and co-founder of Button. 📱📲
Prior to Button, Chris led mobile engineering at Venmo, created AppLaunch, Corkbin and a few other mobile things. 📱⚡
You can read more of Chris's work on the following publications:
Twitter can’t decide…
Just a little humorous message that made me laugh today. I was updating my picture on Twitter (as some of you may have already noticed :)), and got the following...
VoIP & MSN on the iPhone!
What a great time to be getting on board… my new iPhone is ordered and will arrive on Monday. I can’t wait… and now I can’t wait *even* more. My...
What our industry needs
Two words: Editorial & Accountability. There are hundreds of ‘blogs’ out there, 99% of which report the exact same stories, sometimes with a slightly different twist, or humour added, but...
Speak of the Devil, and the devil he doth appear
I posted earlier on poorly designed error messages and the very next message I opened rewarded me with this error message. A brilliant error message I’m sure you’ll agree; telling...
Microsoft Update pushes 10 updates this Tuesday
I turned my computer on yesterday to find a barrage of updates from MS Update… you can see this both ways. a. It’s great they maintain their products b. How...
Wonderful Success Message
Error messages have gotten a lot of flack over the years for unintuitive wording or programatic creation (causing odd succesions of phrases to the effect of ‘there was an error’)...
Tips for a succesful startup
I came across a guide to creating a successful startup today and it makes an interesting read. Any of you budding entrepreneurs should definitely check it out! I know I’ll...
Windows Vista + Windows Onecare = A girl’s best friend?
In a desperate attempt to replace Beach House Barbie on top of the most wanted list for young girls toys, Microsoft has (apparently) decided to grace its Japanese customers with...
Mahalo : Best Fictional Brands
Mahalo has posted an interesting (and somewhat comprehensive) list of the best fictional brands as featured on Television. http://www.mahalo.com/Best_Fictional_Brands Mahalo is a project by Jason Calacanis seeking to hand-index the...
Apple’s EULA Paradox
Today Neowin reported on a slight paradox in the Apple EULA for Safari which states “…may be installed on one Apple-branded computer”. A slight irony considering the recent controversy regarding...