What you're reading..
This is Chris Maddern's blog. Chris is a British entrepreneur, engineer and co-founder of Button. 📱📲
Prior to Button, Chris led mobile engineering at Venmo, created AppLaunch, Corkbin and a few other mobile things. 📱⚡
You can read more of Chris's work on the following publications:
Building Button with Best Practices
Starting new projects is fun.. everything will be different this time. There won’t be any technical debt, everything will be tested and onboarding new team members to the codebase will...
Is Product Hunt the new product launch tool?
I’ve often wondered what the effect of being featured on ProductHunt was & how it compared to other, more established outlets. The effect of being covered by TechCrunch has been pretty well documented, as...
Introducing Button
About 6 weeks ago I left Venmo & I haven’t been talking a lot about what was next. Well today, we’re ready to talk about what that is.. Button. http://usebutton.com so… what is...
How we do mobile engineering at Venmo
This is a snippet from my upcoming book ‘Mobile Engineering Best Practices’, coming 2014! Mobile Engineering has been slow to reach any kind of maturity.. so many apps begin their...
Determine whether bluetooth is enabled on iOS (passively)
When building When building for Venmo, we wanted to be able to let the user know that they needed to turn Bluetooth on in order to see people nearby &...
Where are Provisioning Profiles in Xcode 5?
TL;DR Provisioning Profiles can now be found in Settings -> Accounts -> Select your Account Xcode 5 introduces a few new features which are designed to _help you out__ _and keep you...
Setting up Xcode Bots with Cocoapods
Xcode Bots presents a beautifully simple interface to a barely-but-technically-functional CI solution. It lacks the knobs, dials and switches of Jenkins but this is the way that the Apple gods...
Make your iOS Apps snow for Christmas
Want the code? Check out VENSnowOverlayView on Github I wanted to find a way to make Venmo a little festive on Christmas day for the team and thought it’d be fun...
iOS 8 Remote View Controllers / XPC
A while ago, Ole Begemanne discovered that the MFMailComposeViewController was not built and presented inside of your application anymore, but rather was a ‘RemoteViewController’ presented using XPC from Mail.app. With...
Facebook Google Glass App
Having been beaten to a Twitter app by @jonmarkgo, I decided to focus my energy on creating an app to share your images & videos from Glass to Facebook and…...